Life is Like That! Two Kuwaitis took time off from studies to visit the US and learn the “juicier aspects of life”. Having consulted one of their cronies and found a reference (Charley), they left. On arrival at Kuwait the duo caught up with their cronies and over lunch they were asked how their short stay in the west was. It was fun except for Charley, said one of them. Charley was a freak because he had two ass holes instead of one! “Every time we went to the bar or place of excitement, the guys there kept saying: ‘There comes Charley with two ass holes!’” he laughed. “That’s how we found out about his ‘little secret,” confided the other beaming. 


My dad was a great person. He was brought up in a large household with 12 other siblings and a horde of uncles, aunts and cousins. They lived in a sprawling rural ranch. The hot and humid climate and abundance of leftovers was ideal for the cockroaches, which proliferated and permeated into the household like family members. It so happened while my dad was exaggerating the giant size of an acquaintance he had met in Madras where he was learning medicine, that the girls from the next room queried whether the person in question was dark in color too. Dad, puzzled by the question, said he was not dark; in fact he was quite fair. The next query from the adjacent room floored him. The question was whether he flew too. While dad was talking about his classmate the girls just across were talking about roaches that flew mad! 


Another instance my dad was in the ranch after having been away for quite some time, he heard the gate open and discovered their relatives from far off Delhi had come for a visit. As his mother was in the kitchen supervising preparation of lunch, he went to her and in order to be mysterious to raise her curiosity said: 
"Look here Ma, see who all have come to meet you?!"
He had said so in a way to surprise her and hide the identity of the visitors.
Much to his chagrin and those of the guests who had by now come into the house, he heard his mother roar out from the kitchen, “In that case, just take a stick and chase them away”!!
His mom was referring to the impish chimps that often visited the estate in groups and were a great deal of menace to the household!


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