It rains and rains and rains
In the valleys and the plains 
On the road it spills o’er drains 
And snakes up the tarred lanes 
It makes puddles of strong tea, 
which grows into a big sea! 
The frogs gather for the party 
There they orgy in abandoned frenzy 
Its little droplets march up to wind 
Like smart regiments soldiers they sprint 
In crazy gale they wrap nature in chintz 
They tickle and play on the tamarinds 
Cloudy by day and starless at night 
The sky mourns draped in dark hide 
Of her dear darling- the short-lived spring 
All in its glory smiling and giving  
Nonetheless, drizzles come tingling 
Cloudbursts then come gushing 
Sometimes hail go clamoring 
Uninvited, the storms descend menacing 
It sprouts the seeds and plants go all green 
On farmers’ beaten face a smile is seen 
Once or twice it turns a violent sheen 
It stays for a while and leaves the scene 
Sulking rain stays up as dark brooding clouds 
When happy it just drizzles diamonds around 
And jovial hails laugh out much too aloud 
When angry storms come hurtling down 
Late or soon, the monsoon 
To the parched earth is a boon 
Wild goes the beasts’ platoon 
Pops up the new born mushroom 
I like to see the epilogue of a rain
On rose buds and see how they sparkle!
It enriches and ravages lives again and again 
It rains, rains and again rains!


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