Black like a brute

It lies there mute

When it talks in style

It flashes bright smile

It sings what they like

It stops when they dislike

It’s cared, it’s abused

It’s shoved, it’s refused

They call it an idiot box

Around it the life baulks

It predicts unpredictable weather

And the future price of leather

Some own more than one

Yet some have none

Wading infinite family moods

And spectra of routes

Say all at home

The teli removes a vacuum

The ladies like the soaps

The males dismiss ‘em as dopes

They love the losing sports

Despite tons of ads it promotes

The kids like the toons

The old think it is a boon

The young now dismiss it a doom!

The small screen will definitely run.

Or would it, perhaps it won't.

Oh! descended the world of IT

From Abacus to do some calculus

It forged the way we work

It destroyed a whole industry

Of papers, files and file cabinets!

It enlightened us, it enslaved us!

It spewed out prints and glossies

With such precision that it amazed us!

Bytes leaped by kilo

Soared to mega 

Flew to giga 

Rocketed to tera!

Now there's whole world out there 

They call it the cloud!

They have built huge file cabinets

With zillions data all ready to pop up at a tap! 

Its a magic cries the youth!

Never will it be the same weeps the old!

Now is another world for the youth

A digital world so huge!

In a time wrap held in animation

It splashes live updates in every screen

Of selfies, travelogues , chats and calls

The medics say it'll harm you

And wives suspect its gone to far!

I-phone is the best, some say!

Its the Android, says others!

All encrypted and so private,

Yet the exclusivity is gone

Many may know things about you 

That you want to hide!

That you had no idea existed!

That's data theft! You can actually steal it!

Tons of data hang in this world

We tap on any data and it comes

Movies come, so do songs!

There's no movie, Nor songs!

Nor books! Nor poems!

Just data - that's what we get from the 'web'!

There's a dark one too out there!

A lot of slangs have become popular!

"Peach" is your rear expressed sexily!

Lol means good, WTF means how deplorable!

It could also mean: "How come?"!

And the Neologisms like IYKYK means

if you know, you know! Well! I don't

And there's the realm of memes

I would rather be old fashioned boomer!

You don't know if its English Language!

Amazon is not a river!

It is now a web portal

Where you can buy every thing,

Including the channel on your TV

You can buy a house 'online',

So can you a bride inline with your choice,

Online you get foodie blogs

U-tube shows how its done

Zomato drops them at home!

When you grab your tummy in pain

Online medic advises a miracle tablet

Through Google

Google searches and finds 

everything in the world

except the cell which you have

left in your car

purchased online!


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