Moments . . .

The tear of a petal, 
The mirth on a church bell, 
The smile of my daughter, 
So pure ‘n’ natural. 

She’s so precious, 
Her manners so gracious, 
As Hindus do in ritual. 
I name her Harmonious!  
Every moment she teaches, 
Of trust and love she preaches 
by her glee-rich smile; Like sanguine beaches. 
Yet, in a moment of anger 

Alas! I did beat her in rancor 
How frail I’m, 
I curse and cry Ah! 
She hugs me in sweet slumber. 

I now see her in the garden, 
Talking to hibiscus in passion, 
They nod their heads so crimson, 
In blatant amusement.
I bid adios at the wretched gate 
I now regret the recalcitrant state 
Clueless of the deceit, ‘bubbye’ she says 
Her eyes linger as I seal my fate. 

That’s the picture I remember 
In my forlorn days of separation 
Of the terrible, terrible treachery 
Of a father to a child, so fair. 

The moment, I would strain 
Within the four walls of pain 
As I’d twist for tears of shame 
But they never came. 

The mornings were merciful 
But the nights were cruel 
As the shadows danced in fury 
As phantoms leered in frenzy. 

Now I stare at her image 
Time has rolled in hysteric rage 
Her silvery image mocks back 
From the glazed album page. 

One day I open a mail ‘
Dad it’s me, your li’l quail’ 
Elusive tears flood my eyes 
Tears smudge many a sad travail.
Tomorrow’s her convocation 
From the school of medication! 
I brush back my thinning hair 
I look at myself in despair. 

Will her medical degree have a cure? 
For a cut so deep in her bosom- 
For the daggers of misery; 
Only Lord knows for sure.
At the gates I fumble 
‘Move away', they grumble 
I see her far away 
I want to reach her 

Inside the hall, clumsy I stumble. 
There she is taking the paper 
I flail my hand at her 
To catch her vision!

Instantly she watches
Her dad’s face in the perches 
Our gaze meet as Death reaches 
And I lie in heavenly bliss! 

As she stoops to give me a kiss 
As life flutters by,
As I see a thousand lights! 
I hiss My last breath in her bosom!

I wanted to tell her
How clever she'd become,
How pretty she looked,
But I couldn't say a thing!


ronald said…
Dad.... this was one of the most touching things i have ever read... i cried buckets!! better than eric segal

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