In wide toothless glee her eyes screws shut 
She smiles benign whole-hearted joy from gut 
Now her face shrinks into a pinched mood 
How her passing time color her infinite mood! 
 Her head tilts and momentous gurgle pours mirth 
She’s now groping for some precious thing of worth 
She finds one so good, it’s a torn bit of paper 
She now sleeps may be a shut-eye or slumber 
 As morning sun sprays golden rays 
Her shock of hair frames her creamy face 
Like a well-sucked mango stone 
And her pudgy fist holds for dear life the paper torn. 
 She wails, she burps, she sings, she shouts 
She crawls, she sprawls, she bawls, she lolls. 
Her creator must puzzle in his wisdom profound 
How such a small thing makes her world go round. 
 No possession makes me feel so precious 
No one but her consider me great and gracious 
No time is enough to share her lively joy and cheer 
No gold can buy a bonny daughter sweet and dear.


Behind the door 
They’re sore 
Afore it Smiles galore 
They hide Behind the façade 
As it yawns open 
What’s gonna happen 
No one knows 
 The door when shut 
Some do hope 
In fumes of dope 
Or as they lose hope 
On a fatal rope 
Traps destiny 
When the trap opens 
The truth never dawns 
 You’re shut 
Your ego’s bust 
As you get a slap 
You take it out on the trap 
The rage is spent 
The knob is bent 
As it’s yanked open 
All regret what’s happened 
 He’s got a GUN! BANG BANG! 
Bullets make patterns 
Call up someone 
The wall’s open 
The corpse has fallen 
Another life forgotten 
No one gives a damn 
As the door opens 
 It’s night 
The cuddly bride 
Shuts the door softly 
The spouse hides his impotence 
With feigned fatigue 
‘Darling let’s do it, 
‘Let’s not do it,’ 
Says the wily goat 
And feigns a head ache! 
As the wall slides shut Nuptials bust! 
 ‘Tom is learnin’!’ 
‘Don’t disturb him.’ 
The door, he fastens 
His love the teen pens 
Learning can surely wait 
With Lila he can’t placate 
‘She’s got to get this.’ 
‘And blow her a kiss’ 
The door is locked 
Love is rocked! 
Study mocked 
 They say the door traps you 
But it does well for a few 
The door is an enigma 
Or evokes a stigma 
Yet it’s a guard in defense 
Or a curtain of excitement 
Or a stupid thing 
To vent your feeling 
The door is our soul 
When it closes makes us whole.


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